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JWW19 is a student dorm of the Studierendenwerk München. This website is maintained by the student self-administration of the dorm, not the Studierendenwerk München.

Looking for a place to stay?

This dorm is part of the Studierendenwerk München and therefore all applications are centrally managed by the Studierendenwerk. If you want to apply to stay in the dorm you have to go through the application process of the Studierendenwerk München.

You can contact them using this e-mail address:

Please don't contact the student self-administration for a place to say, since we have no say in the matter.

What is the student self-administration?

We are residents of the dorm that have volunteered to help out and foster the community of the dorm. We get elected at the beginning of the semester during our general assembly. You can get an overview of the electable offices here.

If you want to help out the student self-administration, eventhough you haven't been elected, or if you have cool ideas for the dorm, you're more than welcome to contact us. Active members of the community stand the chance to receive an honary semester (extension of their contract by 1 semester).

Just moved in and have some questions?

Check out the extensive info page which has grown out of frequently asked questions over the years. You are of course also welcome to contact the student self-administration about anything dorm-related.

Contact Us

You can find our contact details in the main entrance or use the email addresses below.

WhatsApp Community

The student self-administration as well as residents of the dorm are most active on the WhatsApp community of the dorm. You can join the community via the QR code in the main entrance.

House Speakers


Network Admins

Upcoming Events

Always check the main entrance for upcoming events. We only post important events on this website.